New Information and Doctor Who

Hello Everyone!

So, super exciting news: I finally have a tumblr! Yay! It took me forever to get one, which is amazing because It fit in there so well. Anyway, you can follow me on tumblr here!

As I’ve said before, I have been watching Doctor Who with my younger brother. It’s so very exciting, because no one in my family had shown any interest in Doctor Who, and it was so great someone was watching with me! My brother started watching the newest season, and I have been showing him Matt Smith’s seasons.

Eleven is my all time favorite Doctor, maybe because he was my first (the very first episode of Doctor Who I ever saw was “The Snowmen”). Re-watching them has been so enjoyable, and I always forget how entertaining the Eleven’s adventures are. I also adore Amy and Rory; they are my favorite companions (if you adore Karen Gillian, you need to check out Selfie; it’s a modern re-telling of My Fair Lady). And there is River. I LOVE River; she is my ultimate favorite character. Everything about her makes me scream in fangirl happiness! I could write articles on River Song and how much I love her and why she is the best character ever!

Good-bye Sweeties!